Monday, June 22, 2009

Strange little moments.....

I love when you're spending time with someone who is definitely not a Stranger, and you discover another of their strange little quirky habits. For example my dear friend who likes to head bang when ever he's really excited! He says he usually only does this in the privacy of his own home. At the moment his home is mine.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sitting in a cafe.....

When you visit a regular cafe and see other regulars sipping their lattes - at what point do you consider they acquaintances?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Treated like a stranger....

I was only away for just over a week, but this seems to be all the time needed for Saturn (the Cat) to treat me like a stranger when I returned. Such disdain, on her part. That is until dinner time; oh Saturn how you've changed.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Have a Chat Stranger.....

My gorgeous friends and family always tease me whenever I decide to have a chat with the waitress, receptionist or the lady next to me in the grocery aisle. Yet there are times when I just wish to be insular and carry on without being disturbed. This seems to be the times when a Stranger wants to 'have-a-chat'.

Are we being rude by not wanting to engage in conversation?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Feelings can be a Stranger......

My dear Aunty Dot passed away.... and I feel sad. Each time I lose a loved one I find the feelings generated are an unwelcome Stranger. Do we ever (I hope) become accustomed to these feelings? Aunty Dot was, is my Mum's big sister and had been an amazing support when my Mum passed ten years ago. RIP Dorothy.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane....

Tomorrow I get to spend time doing one of my favourite things..... watch Strangers at the Airport while waiting to board my flight..... life doesn't get any better!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Shame of Strangers....

Since moving to this area nearly three years ago I have seen the news report two fatal shootings, two stabbings and now another heinous crime. A man who I will never meet, yet has affected me each time I drive past the place he was savagely kicked and stabbed by a pack of thugs. A Stranger. Who died All he did was go to the aid of a stranger. RIP Stranger.